Release by PICRC. Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) and Palau Community College
(PCC) signed a historic agreement on Tuesday, June 10, 2014, to work together
to implement an ecological monitoring certification program at PCC. The agreement brings two of Palau’s premier organizations
with very unique and specialized expertise together to support capacity
building for conservation officers and Protected Area Network (PAN)
coordinators. PICRC brings its expertise
in coral reef research and monitoring to the partnership while PCC brings its
long history and expertise in offering educational and training programs. Both organizations are supported by PAN
Office, Palau Coral Reef and Island Ecosystem Project (P-CoRIE) and JICA, in
their effort to develop the ecological monitoring certification program.
The signing was held at PCC Assembly Hall by Dr. Yimnang Golbuu, Chief
Executive Officer of the PICRC, and Dr. Patrick U. Tellei, President of PCC. It was witnessed by staff members from PICRC,
PCC, Protected Area Network (PAN) Office, P-CoRIE, Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Chair of Association of PAN coordinators and
PAN coordinators from the states of Koror, Ngaraard, Ngardmau, and Ngiwal.
The purpose of the collaboration between PICRC and PCC is to jointly develop
and implement a training program according to the best practices and standards
of PCC; provide and educate the trainers that will eventually conduct the
courses of the program; provide other resources needed to conduct the program; issue
certificates for successful completion of the program; and continuously
evaluate, modify, and improve the program.
It is designed to join the forces of both parties in order to provide
proper training in the development of the local capacity to preserve and
protect Palau’s pristine natural environment.
The program will prepare individual state conservation programs to
comply with the PAN requirements. It
will also provide the ecological background for conservation work. The courses will be offered through the PCC
Continuing Education (CE) and, while it is intended for Palau’s PAN
conservation officers and coordinators, interested community members may
participate in the program.