For the past decade, GLISPA has emerged as a successful and impactful partnership of all islands and their supporters working together toward a common vision.
In 2015, we have taken great strides in improving our ability to demonstrate the collective impact and success of our Partnership through the launch of the GLISPA Impact Dashboard: This Dashboard helps us to track progress toward our long-term strategic goals and priorities.
The Impact Dashboard has been developed in partnership with a world-leading company, Socrata, who are dedicated to supporting governmentsunleash the power of open data to support decision-making, transparency and demonstrate impact.
Congratulations to Hawaii Green Growth on the launch of the pilot of their own Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard ( ) in early April to support decision makers and the public to track progress on achieving the Aloha+ Challenge 2030 targets. The Micronesia Challenge, building on their extensive efforts in monitoring effective implementation of the targets on marine, terrestrial and socio-economic indicators, are now also working with Socrata to develop their own Dashboard.
The work with both the Aloha+ and Micronesia Challenges in developing their respective Dashboards will help us to develop a common approach to demonstrating progress and implementation of the island commitments launched through GLISPA. Importantly these efforts build the foundations to demonstrate the impact of island leadership and action towards national, regional and global priorities.
We invite you to explore our GLISPA Impact Dashboard. Please provide feedback to Jessica Robbins, Global Island Partnership and PCI Media Impact at