The Pacific Exchange Emerging Professionals (PEEP) Program seeks to provide professional development opportunities for the next generation of conservation leaders. The HawaiĘ»i Conservation Alliance (HCA) recognizes that the global conservation effort has much to gain by enhancing dialogue between similar social, cultural, and/or political systems. Through peer learning and the exchange of information and experiences, PEEP participants will become part of a larger network of conservation professionals who share resource stewardship concerns, across a large, complex biocultural area between Hawai‘i, and the Micronesian, Melanesian, or Polynesian archipelagos. HCA will support up to two successful PEEP applicants towards an exchange experience, funds permitting.
Visit the PEEP webpage for more information. This is an amazing opportunity for current emerging professionals in the field of conservation to broaden their horizons and learn from experts from around the Pacific.
Applications due October 30th 2015.