Micronesia Challenge Communications Workshop held January 23, 2013
Guam Micronesia Challenge Communications Planning Workshop was held at
the Sheraton Laguna resort on Wednesday, January 13, 2013. It was hosted
by the Guam Coastal Management Program (GCMP)and facilitated by Dan Ho,
of the Micronesian Image Institute.
was an enlightening day of surprises," said Tom Quinata, of GCMP, who
works on many of the agency's outreach programs, including the
International Coastal Clean-up. "In our work, we rarely take time out
to strategize communications plans, and messaging - there's just too
much work! So it was really great to actually sit down and craft a plan
that can guide us through the years and the inevitable changes."
Guam's MC Team crafts its communications plan on Wednesday, January 23, 2012.
also included the Guam Preservation Trust, the Guam Department of
Agriculture, TheUniversity of Guam's Center for Island Sustainability,
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, RARE, and the Guam Community Reef
Monitoring Program (TASI).
Christine Camacho, who is the MC contact in Guam, added: "The workshop
and our plan puts a whole new light on our communications in Guam and
the region. I'm really looking forward to implementing it, and seeing
how the similar plans throughout the region work on the whole."
Upcoming for Guam: An MC-Guam website, branded-outreach activities and calendar of events.