02.15.13 PALAU PICRC Signs Record of Discussion for SATREPS Project

On Thursday, February 14, 2013, Palau International Coral Reef Center’s (PICRC) Chairman of the Board, Dr. Patrick Tellei, together with Palau’s Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) representative, Mr. Nobuaki Matsui, signed the record of discussions for a five year, collaborative research project between PICRC and the University of Ryukyus (UoR). The Honorable Umiich Sengebau, Minister of MNRET, acted as a witness for the signing. Additionally, members of the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) were in attendance. The JCC will help formulate the annual plan of operation for the project, review the results of the annual plan of operation, evaluate the progress of the project, and help facilitate major issues and differences of opinions that arise during the implementation of the project.

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